My goodness baby boy, you are growing like a weed! I can't believe you are already 5 weeks old. It absolutely blows my mind. It feels like just yesterday, daddy and I were on our way to the hospital. You are changing everyday! You lift and keep your head up for a few seconds now. You are also starting to notice and focus on things, like the mobile on your swing. You also like to look up at anyone who is holding you. We visited both of your grandma's yesterday and they both just adore you. Raider took quite the liking to you as well. He was a little skeptical about you at first but as soon as he sniffed you out, he would not leave your side. He just kept sniffing and licking you. He would sit outside of Grandma's room while I fed you and just cry and scratch at the door. As soon as we left, your Grandma called us and told us that Raider just sat by the window and cried for you to come back. I have never seen Raider so clingy to someone except for your Grandma. I think you guys are gonna be best friends! It just goes to show that no matter who you come into contact with, they automatically love you & we all know animals have a great judge of character. Anyway, your personality is coming out more everyday. You are such a sweet boy & you definitely love your mama. You love to be held, but you are also content just sitting in your bouncer looking around at things. You are growing out of clothes faster than you can wear them! You are already outgrowing size 1 diapers and 0-3 month clothes! You're our little chunky monkey! You love your bath time now. Mama started putting the space heater in the bathroom to warm it up before your bath, so I think that made a big difference. You just lay there and kick your feet and look around while I wash you. You are also sleeping so good! You sleep from about 12 a.m. to 4 or 5 a.m., then you go back to sleep around 6 and sleep til 8, then back to sleep after you eat til about 10 or 11. It's great! You also let mama have a really good nap today. I slept on the couch while you slept beside me in your bouncer for a good three hours! You must've known mama was so exhausted. Well, I think that's all for now! Mama loves you so very much!!
Love, love, love,
nakey baby!! |
so sweet. ♥ |
Should I sleep... or should I eat?? |
Center of Mom's Universe... you betya!! |
such a happy boy |
but sometimes not so happy... |
cutie pie |
Lil G Baby... lookin just like your daddy |
5 weeks old!! |
rockin the Nike onesie |
Mama loves your sleepy smiles so much! |
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