2 Months Old!

You are two months old today, my little love! My goodness, the days are just flying right by! You have changed so much in a couple short months! You are super smiley, especially in the morning right when we wake up. You hold your head up like a pro and you focus on things. You look and listen to me when I talk to you and you oftentimes start talking back to me. I love it. We have the best conversations! You had your two month check up today and you weighed in at 13 lbs 5 oz, which puts you in the 90th percentile!! You're mama's big boy! You are 22 inches long (50th percentile) & your head is circumference is in the 75th percentile! The dr. was impressed by how well you were focusing on a poster in the room and said your development was advanced. I'm such a proud mama. You also had your first round of shots. You screamed when she poked you but you stopped as soon as you I picked you up. Now you have been sleeping all day (which is totally out of the ordinary) & you just cry while your awake. It's making mama so sad to see you in pain. I hope you start feeling better really soon. Mama loves you so very much Bubba!
love love love,
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