Thursday, January 10, 2013

Our Hospital Stay & First Night Home

Well our hospital stay was long and pretty dreadful. Even though we only had to stay one extra night, it felt like forever. When you were born, your temperature was 102, so you constantly had nurses coming in to check your vitals. Your temp did start to go down but on our second day, the pediatrician decided to take your blood just in case to check for an infection. Luckily, there was no infection but your bilirubin levels were high. Since you had been circumcised that day, you did nothing but sleep and you were not eating well. The nurse gave you a little formula to ensure your blood sugar didn't get too low. Sunday came around and we were so excited to take you home. Unfortunately, your bilirubin levels had risen, so the doctor decided we needed to stay an extra night and that you needed to spend 12 hours under the bili light. We put you under the lamp at 10 a.m. and were only able to take you out to feed or change you. You did really well until about 6 p.m. when you started getting fussy. It broke mama's heart to not be able to take you out and comfort & snuggle you. I did my best to keep you happy and 10 p.m. finally arrived. The nurse came and got you to check your levels again. If your levels had gone down you could be out of the light but if not you would have to spend 12 more hours under the light. After the nurse brought you back and we were waiting for the results, I just felt sick. I did NOT want you to have to spend the night under that lame. After what seemed like forever, the nurse came in with good news! Thank God! I pretty much snuggled you all night to make up for your long day! The next morning (Monday) came around and the nurse checked your levels one more time and they were in normal range! Yay! We were finally going home! Daddy and I were so happy! We couldn't wait to have our family home. We had to bring you back the next morning for one more check but it didn't matter because we were gonna be able to spend our first night at home. You weighed 6 lb 13 oz the day we left the hospital. Our first night went great! You ate well and pottied well. It felt absolutely amazing to have you home. Your appointment the next day went well and your levels were still in normal range. You weighed exactly 7lb, which means you gained 3 oz.! Daddy and I were so happy that you were doing so well!

Love, love, love,

Sleepy boy in the hospital
Mama's sweet boy

Ready to go home
First time in the carseat! We're going home! Yay!

Sleeping in the family crib that my Gramma, my mom, me, & now you slept in plus multiple other family babies

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