Monday, January 14, 2013

January 14, 2013

You are now 10 days old!! When they say time flies, they mean it. I can't believe how much you have already changed and grown. At 5 days old, you began smiling in your sleep and even sometimes when you're awake. I also gave you your first sponge bath and you disliked it very much!!! You look exactly like your daddy & I love it! You are most definitely an Alex Jr. I often find myself just staring down at you in awe. I feel so luck to be able to call you my son. I love you more than you could ever imagine. You are such an amazing little person already. You had your first official doctor appointment today and the doctor was impressed with you. You now weigh 7 lb 13 oz! The doctor asked me what I'm feeding you! I told him breastmilk and he was pleased. You are definitely a little boobie monster. The doctor also coaxed your umbilical cord stump off and you can take a real bath in 3-4 days. We are getting into a nice routine and you usually let me sleep pretty well at night. We finally mastered breastfeeding and we haven't needed the nipple shield for a few days now. We also discovered that you MUST be pee pee down in your diaper otherwise you go through a ton of clothes!! That lesson was learned the hard way!. Hmmm... what else? Oh ya! We got your newborn pics taken a couple days ago and they turned out great. You are so dang cute! I can't say enough how very much I love you! I am truly blessed to have you in my life. Now that you're here, I can't even begin to imagine my life without you!

Love, love, love,

Mama's handsome lil man
First lil smile mama caught on camera

After your first bath

First time in your swing, swimming in your jammies

I'll love you forever.
I'll like you for always.
As long as I'm living,

My baby you'll be.

1 comment:

  1. So cute! He'll be filling in those clothes in no time, trust me!
    Keep up with this blog, it will be like a scrapbook for when he's older!
